During a purchase, payment is made using the secure system" "OGONE" "and CREDIT AGRICOLE.
Your bank details are encrypted and thus completely protected against any form of piracy.
If you choose, when ordering or directly from your account, to save a credit card for future purchases, your credit card number is not visible and not kept by Laboratoires SANTINOV.
NOTE : In the case of credit card payments, after selecting your type of card (Visa, Mastercard, etc.), you will access our bank and its secure online payment platform.
Once you have entered your bank details, you may be redirected to YOUR own bank. New security features have been put in place by some banking organizations to verify the identity of the cardholder. If you have any questions about this additional verification process, we invite you to contact your bank directly.
So you can buy with confidence at Les Laboratoires SANTINOV.
In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition to information concerning you, which you can exercise at any time by visiting the website. page "CGV / Contact" of the site.
Secure payment : France, Belgium & Luxembourg
In partnership with Crédit Agricole and Ogone Ingenico Service
Secure payment : Other countries
In partnership with Crédit Agricole and Ogone Ingenico Service, or PAYPAL.